Friday, August 20, 2010

Our Money is Worth What?

The U.S. Mint offers its newly minted dollar coins, featuring the Presidents of the United States. The US Mint has spent millions of dollars attempting to coax Americans to use these tinny coins in commerce, but nothing doing. If you've had one of these coins in your hand you would get the feeling it is counterfeit in some way. And that is because it is largely made of copper with some zinc, manganese and nickel thrown in. In other words, you are getting what a penny used to be made of in a coin that is represented as a dollar. The U.S. Coin Values Advisor reveals these "dollar" coins only cost the U.S. Mint about 10–15 cents. Buyers of these commemorative coins will essentially be donating 80–85 cents to the U.S. Treasury. Newly minted U.S. quarters with each State of the Union imprinted on them, only cost the U.S. Mint about 5 cents to produce. But you get the thrill or doing something patriotic by donating money back to the U.S. Treasury, that paragon of ethical banking and currency practices (I'm being facetious).

The U.S. Coin Value Advisor says it this way: "a fully circulating dollar coin would net perhaps as much as $500 million for the government annually, because for each presidential dollar coin distributed to the public, somewhere between $0.85 and $0.90 profit returns to the Treasury." That's a pretty good return on investment. The metal coins also don't have to be replaced as often as paper dollars.
And this is the complete and utter failure of fiat and monopolized currency.  Our coins are worth only a mere percentage of what are paid to put them into circulation.  We are being robbed blind by the same people we send to see after our interests.  A private mint would be run out of business for selling something that was only worth 10-15% of the asking price. 

This is why we need to replace the Federal Reserve with competing private mints.  We have absolutely zero say in how much our money is worth, who we get our money from, or how sound it is.  We are slaves to the banksters and politicians who created this despot organization in 1912.  End the Fed.