Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Media Ignoring Ron Paul

Ron Paul finished a close 2nd in the Iowa Straw Poll on the 13th, though it doesn't feel that way. You, see the good doctor, the only principled politician in Washington for 30 years, has been ignored by the media. I find this quite puzzling.

Reasons for this puzzlement are numerous, but I would like to focus on two for now. The first being the financial crisis, and Washington economics in general. The second being Washington's foreign policy.

What most people probably don't know is that Ron Paul explained how the housing bubble was going to burst in 2003, four full years before it happened. He did this by adhering to the principles of the Austrian Business Cycle, which offer a stark contrast to the Keynesian Cycle which led to the bubble, and subsequent crash, in th first place. 

Secondly, Ron Paul has been correct on foreign policy. It is wasteful, unconstitutional, and aggressive. In 1998, the day before Clinton's impeachment hearing, Dr. Paul warned that our bombings in Sudan and Iraq that killed many civilians would to back lash against the American people. Just three years later, 9/11 happened, with Osama bin Laden stating our aggressive foreign policy as catalyst for the attacks.

Ignore the good doctor at your peril.