Monday, July 27, 2009

What Choice Do We Have?

Watching the federal government has always been a depressing and maddening event, but I feel it is more now than ever. They've egregiously betrayed our trust. Of course, that is what they've always done.

We've seen bills passed with secret 3 am amendments (of the 300 page variety) that go unread while being passed with majority. These bills containing draconian legislation that erodes the very foundations of human life itself. It is forced rationing and hidden taxation under the guises of health reform and environmental protection. Through cap and trade, we bankrupt entire industries to provide for special interests, all while creating a credit swap market that will make a few, see Goldman Sachs and Al Gore, very rich. Through cap and trade, we see a hidden tax in the 50-90% rise in electric bills for people residing in states that depend on coal for electricity. All of this happens while companies like Entergy try and profit from the suffering of the middle and lower classes. Through healthcare, we see an overhaul of a system that has already been corrupted by regulation and special interests. We see an end to patient choice in insurance and a rise to mandatory coverage. In this travesty, we see the people who are the small business owners, those that would make between $250,000-$300,000 a year, targeted by tax increases that would force them to lay-off workers. All of this has been proposed though fear-mongering that exceeds that of our previous administrations.

We've seen an administration who singles out politicians and organizations which pride themselves in being defenders of the Constitution as right-winged kooks that will bring peace to its holy knees. If you are believer in the 2nd amendment, you are an insurrectionist. If you support a candidate that doesn't bow to lobbyist or mainstream Washington, you are a potentional domestic terrorist. If you hold the Constitution of the United States in high regard, you are being targeted.

We've seen economic policies passed that will eventually bankrupt us. With spending rising to unheard of levels and our national debt reaching $11 TRILLION (, we've put a burden on our younger generations that maybe too much for them bear. We've watched the Federal Reserve print our dollar into oblivion and give money to foreign banks and governments, all while under no supervision. Though, fortunately, we have had some success bringing to light the disasterous monetary policies through Ron Paul's bill HR 1207, aptly named FEDERAL RESERVE TRANSPARENCY ACT of 2009.

We've seen a continuation of an utterly failing foreign policy, with expansions of the war in Afganistan and operations into Pakistan, with no signs of withdrawal from Iraq. We've seen increased pressure on the sovereign nation of Iran for dealings that are none of our business. We've continued to give money to the warmongering state of Israel, all while allowing them to starve the Palestinian citizens.

We've seen egregious violations of our civil liberties continue through warrantless wiretapping and indefinite holdings. We've seen increase in military style tactics from police on routine traffic stops.

And while all of this is happening, the American public sits back and watches, wondering what we should do. "What choice do we have," they scream as another liberty is taken. We have two. We can sit down and take it. We can allow ourselves to be ruled by a criminal organization that wants to take our money and tell us how to live our lives. We can allow ourselves to become slaves to the Facist government that plagues our very beings. Or we can stand up and say no more. We can choose to not participate in this fraud and waste. We can tell the government to go where all governments belong, in the firery pits of Hades. After that, we can withdraw from this wretched "Union" and establish our lives as independent and free people. We can live our lives no longer chained to the thieves and warmongerers. We can be free.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I have recently viewed a plethora of TV commercials here in my home state of Arkansas regarding the enforcement of the new seat belt laws. The first law stated that you could get a ticket if you or your front seat passenger weren't wearing a seat belt, but it could only happen as a secondary offense, meaning the hired guns for the government couldn't pull you over for it. So of course, this past legislative session has given birth to the new law that makes not wearing a seat belt a primary offense traffic violation. This means, starting June 1st, I can be pulled over for not wearing my seat belt and given a ticket. Nearly every state has some form of seat belt laws. I have a problem with this.

The legislature has stated time and again that these laws are implemented for our own protection. The legislature is protecting me from me. When have they had the power to do so? I have listened to many people that I'm acquainted with say they believe the seat belt laws are great and that it will save lives. That may be, but the question still stands: When did it become the government's job to protect the citizens from themselves? And where is the line drawn when it comes to this? Seat belts? Skydiving?

As well intended as this may be, which is rarely the case, it is still a complete Constitutional violation of my rights. I make the choice whether I wear a seat belt or not. The act of not wearing a seat belt does not infringe upon the rights of any of my fellow citizenry. So why does the government feel it must protect me from me when the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Arkansas say no such thing? Control is one reason, but mainly, it's about money.

The recession has brought about lower revenues for city and county governments. Sales tax revenues are down. Business licensing fees are down. So, they find ways to fine the populace by going directly after them. Speeding, lane change violations, no seat belts, and reckless driving. The amount of tickets for traffic violations have been increasing as the recession has continued. Traffic violations are also the main source of revenue for city police budgets, especially in small towns and municipalities. But what is rather surprising about this is the populace fails to see that this is the case. Why would money not be the main reason behind these traffic laws if it is illegal to warn oncoming traffic of police? Wouldn't the warning cause people to slow down their vehicles and drive carefully? Isn't that the point of traffic laws? Obviously not.

The people of the United States allow their local governments to rape them of their money, and support them in it. It is a rather sad thing to see.